Views: 412
( Won’t work without wireless bluetooth headset )
The App transmits real time voices audio to remote Bluetooth headset . You can start, stop and record audio routing remotely using Bluetooth headset’s media button with the help of voice guide feature .
Features :
1. Can detect imperceptible sounds ( performance depends on device’s mic )
2. Remotely start or stop audio routing with voice guide feature
3. Remotely record secret gossips with voice guide feature
4. Equalizer support
Steps to get it work
1. start and pair Bluetooth headset to android device
2. Once connected to headset , headset’s detail info will be displayed
3. Click on start / stop button to start or stop voice transmission
To control remotely
1. Press headset’s play button to enter menu
2. Then press headset’s forward button to start or stop voice transmission
3. Press previous button to record audio streaming.
Or once pressing the headset’s play button , you will be guided through voice instruction to let you know about how to start, stop voice transmission and also record audio streaming.
Note : Its very tough to make the app bug less to all of devices , its vary device to device . I am trying to make the app more user friendly .
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