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ChatIn is an application developed with a purpose of letting people find new friends and chat with them. Users can CheckIn and see other people available at that particular place. There is also a feature of sending contact request; with the help of this feature it is possible to create social community of any particular person. Modern generation is all into chatting and loving to meet new people, making good friends and going on date. This application will be helpful for all those people who loves exploring new things and meet new people.
ChatsIn is an application that will allow you to find nearby new people. With the help of this amazing application, user can find
New people, chat with them and this way they can make new friends and connections.
Steps to getting started:
– Sign up using facebook or email
– create personal profile
– search for places and do checkins
– send nudges and friend requests to other users
– chat with the friends using messaging feature
It’s the time to meet and date new people by locating them on map and chatting with them
Features of application:
– An application will display nearby place by taking user’s current location
– User will be provided with a list of nearby places where they can go
– Users can also do checkin to see other people who have beed there or are there
– They can send friend request to other users
– Once the friend request is accepted, they will be able to visit each other’s profile
– Also users can send Nudges to each other
– Once they have accepted the nudges, they will be able to chat with each other
– Daily report will show checkins of last 24 hours made by other users and also will be able to send them request and messages
– Through recent stops, user will come to know about recent checkins of other users
– Users will be able to chat with each other and make new friends; also this way they will have a chance to date new people
– Users can make connections by sending requests to other users
– They can refer to their connection list from the connection menu and can chat with them too
Also there will be a gallery for images, which will contain all the images uploaded by users. Thus this application can be used to
Accomplish multiple purposes. User can stay social in a different manner by tracking people on map and also make new friends by
Chatting with them.