Views: 480
Clorik is multilingual(currently supported in Hindi and English), social e-commerce marketplace, which allow users to interact with each other and buy products from the app. Enthusiastic users can share their expertise with other users by sharing blogs and tutorials, allowing users to buy required items from sellers listed on the platform. Users can buy a wide range of products related to Art & Craft, Sports and other verticals online, which will be delivered at their doorstop without hassles.
App Features
- Expert content(feed) shared by content creators
- Browsing of items in verticals
- Smart search a.k.a assistant bot(based on neural network), currently search activated for items (such as: show all products from camel), contacting customer care, navigation between screen etc
– Item suggestion based on blog/tutorial user is referring to
- Personalized home page
– Support for more languages in app
Upcoming Features
- Buying items
- Chat with other users
- Content feedback via ratings, reviews and comments
- Order fulfillment
– Seller and content creator self serve portals