Views: 36505

Thank you for all those users whose comments were really valuable in bringing out this app for you.

We’re now able to cover providers from 4 different states –
TNEB – TamilNadu,
BESCOM – Karnataka,
MAHADISCOM – Maharashtra &
BSES – Delhi
and much awaited your Neighbour & State average based usage ranking for Tamil Nadu users.

We’re working on to bring you an even more useful app.. so kindly keep updating.
Happy Saving!

Updates & New Features:

– Summary of multiple electricity connections for all regions across TamilNadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra & Delhi.
– Neighbour based ranking. Know where you stand among your neighbours & average across the state.
– Overview of increase / decrease in consumption.
– Power cuts & resumption (for certain areas as pilot) notification & history.
– Payments option for TNEB consumers. Soon to be released for other states consumers.
– Detailed energy analytics for each connection to help you save money.
– Simulation of units consumed for existing appliances vs hundreds of energy Efficient appliances if used.
– Personalized identity for each connection.
– Analysis by units consumed & money spent.
– Month on Month comparison.
– Year on Year comparison.
– Prediction model on electricity units consumed for next 5 years.
– Knowing energy consumption by appliances used.
– Details on successful & pending payments.
– Average monthly & yearly consumption with minimum & maximum usage levels.

App Permissions Reason: Internet / Network / Wifi to retrieve usage data & bills for your service no. upon request. Lock related for power cuts notification.

Should you encounter any problem before you rate energyly anywhere below 5 stars, please kindly get in touch with us to give an opportunity to provide you with assistance in resolving your issues which annoys you from using the app. Also any valuable improvements or suggestions are always welcome from you as usual.

Supported Devices:
