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More than 50,000 moms & expecting parents are using Giggly. This is the new Instagram for parents. Parents-to-be & new parents, this app is MUST HAVE for you!

This app will help you to build your sweet memory lane related to your pregnancy and baby countdown! See pictures from tens of thousands of parents who use this app on daily basis.

Giggly Baby Photo Editor is a user friendly baby journal app with awesome facility of timeline view of pregnancy countdown and baby grooming tracking. Download the app & you will be able to snap and tag your baby bump, first baby kick, and hundreds of other moments of baby milestones.

How to use the app:

It is really easy to use the app. Follow these 4 simple steps:

1. Snap the precious moment on your device to frame your happy moments or you can select some special baby milestones snaps from phone gallery.
2. Add an adorable photo caption from Giggly Baby Photo Editor’s text and caption gallery,
3. Add attractive photo caption and text to personalize your newborn baby pics,
4. Save & share your baby pics with your friends and family members.

App’s Features:

Before you download and start using this baby journal app Giggly Baby Photo Editor on your iOS device, take a quick look at the app integrated features:

* User friendly interface and use of smart graphics are the prime attractions of the app,
* Get access to 500 artworks for adding unique customization on your newborn baby pics and baby photo-frames,
* The app offers immaculate opportunity to use personalized texts,
* Unique 7 categories of artworks: dates, firsts, holidays, pregnancy, announcement, humor, on-the daily,
* The app offers easy save & share facilities of your baby journal and pregnancy tracking app: share with the world your delight to use the app,
* Apply user friendly filters for adding baby photo effect of your pregnancy and baby tracking snaps,

We have some more to offer for you! Not only pregnancy tit bits and newborn baby tracker details, Giggly Baby Photo Editor will allow you to add memorable moments on the app’s platform after your little angel comes on earth. Here you can add beautiful baby photos on your app’s timeline as well as you can add amazing artworks and customized text to photos to make them ultra-cool and personalized!

The app will work as your virtual baby scrapbook that records and presents photos and moments in your newborn baby’s life, as well as your own thoughts. Now you can store your baby’s first word, amusing messy moments, or your baby’s first day at school at ready access of your fingertips like documents, and you can share them with your friends and family at random and hassle-free way of social media integration.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the pregnancy and baby grooming journal app Giggly Baby Photo Editor and start making your pregnancy and baby tracker scrapbook. You will get to cherish you lovely moments easily at your fingertips!

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