Views: 592
Interrupts a student/child’s media with flash cards that must be answered in order to earn more playtime on smart devices.
Flash cards of the future!
-Post Assignments
Simply post assignments and allow Inspire to do the rest.
-Force Flash Cards
Periodically interrupts a user and displays study material.
-Responsive Timer
Answers provided change the frequency of Flash cards displayed.
-Instant Feedback
Easily track progress using graphs. Completed questions display moments after answered.
-Automatic Grading
Grading saves time and allows you to remain aware of current study habits.
Optimize class aggression to help your child grow in the areas they need most.
-Parental Controls
Set Bedtime and playtime restrictions or lockout entertainment devices.
-Messaging to Device
Send messages directly over your child’s entertainment to guarantee delivery.
-Create Classrooms
Create content to help your child study in areas that require attention.