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 No need to have fone of particular brand to ride/drive tension free on the road.
 Sappy is designed for safety of every individual whether he is driving, travelling, walking, home alone or in party.
 Sappy reduces interaction between driver and fone, so that driver can concentrate on drivng, without worrying about who is calling, whether the call is important or not.

 It can be used while one is riding/driving vehicle.
o For incoming calls he will come to know who is calling. He has no need to pick the call. On the other side, caller will come to know that he is driving till what time.
o No need to touch the app daily, just set the timings once and then relax.
o Urgent calls are allowed only from family and friends list saved under SOS numbers.

 It can be used when one is travelling in public or private vehicle.
o He can just share the GPS link with family and friends, so that they can track him throughout his journey.

 It can be used when one is walking alone in deserted street/road.
o In case of emergency, one can send SOS message along with current location to family and friends saved under SOS numbers.

 It can be used in case of emergency.
o In case of emergency/accident where the person is not able to speak/unconscious then any of the SOS saved number in his fone can be dialed from his locked screen. No need to worry about to unlock the screen to reach the victim’s family and friends.
o For this feature no need to make the whole app ON.

 It can be used to record video in background.
o One can use the rear camera for recording in background while navigating the GPS on screen. It is very useful when fone is used on vehicle dashboard.

 It can be used to check for quick/nearest emergency numbers, like hospital, police, ambulance, doctor, RTO etc.
o One can save max 3 numbers in these emergency contacts category and/or can check for nearest available option as per current location.

More updates and features are on the way.

Supported Devices:
