Views: 526 is your Online Shopping Mall of Trusted Local Retailers. Find nearby stores pricing of electronics, mobiles & tablets, computers & laptops and Home & Kitchen products in Chennai, Tamilnadu or anywhere in India. Our map directions will make you get to exact shop location and our contact form, can get you better negotiations from your nearby shop. is the first location based product and pricing comparison search engine of trusted local retailers, with first map based search in web application. is a product of VS Online Services Private Limited, a technology company passionate about new technology and likes to engage with businesses, which are equally passionate. This application is a perfect source for providing accurate information about products from your nearest retailers. Every week more new categories are added.
Being India’s first map based product and pricing comparison portal, is planned to address the queries related to product categories initially by providing a ROBO (Research Online Buy Offline). The categories given will help buyers in saving their time which they may waste in going from one shop to other. is Software that works as a Service platform, exclusively for local brick and mortar store and small business owners. Opening an Online platform for each brick and mortar store, needs huge initial investment with additional operational and maintenance cost. Also, consumers don’t get time to visit all sites for each of the products they need to buy. goal is to increase sales for retailers, locally owned business through platform and amazing shopping experience for buyers. is a win-win situation portal for both customers and retailers. On one hand, customers can contact directly with their nearby stores using portal and utilize it for negotiating the price of required products with the retailer. While on the other retailers would never miss their nearby customers by making their local presence strong
There are lot of new features like share button to share the pricing and product to your near and dear ones, searching with exact location and current location for nearby shops. Our search will help you get anything anywhere soon.
Switch between grid view and list view when you view products.
For offline retailers, is India’s first and only marketplace for local retailer/business that lets you list your offers for FREE in your favorite smartphone. Engage with digital consumers around them. Now consumers decide what to buy from your nearby store in single swipe of the touchscreen is launched in Chennai and we will be launching in other cities soon. Also, more categories will be updated every week. Take great pride in shopping locally and be a part of locally-owned business grows.

Business, Shopping
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